Mujoco is a powerful simulation engine and it is used in almost all reinforcement learning tasks. However, the documentation of Mujoco is quite lacking which may result in difficulties when we try to interact with this environment. In the following sections, I try to set out the observation and action space of some well known Mujoco environments.

xml file for hopper

  <light cutoff="100" diffuse="1 1 1" dir="-0 0 -1.3" directional="true" exponent="1" pos="0 0 1.3" specular=".1 .1 .1"/>
  <geom conaffinity="1" condim="3" name="floor" pos="0 0 0" rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1" size="20 20 .125" type="plane" material="MatPlane"/>
  <body name="torso" pos="0 0 1.25">
    <camera name="track" mode="trackcom" pos="0 -3 1" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
    <joint armature="0" axis="1 0 0" damping="0" limited="false" name="rootx" pos="0 0 0" stiffness="0" type="slide"/>
    <joint armature="0" axis="0 0 1" damping="0" limited="false" name="rootz" pos="0 0 0" ref="1.25" stiffness="0" type="slide"/>
    <joint armature="0" axis="0 1 0" damping="0" limited="false" name="rooty" pos="0 0 1.25" stiffness="0" type="hinge"/>
    <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 1.45 0 0 1.05" name="torso_geom" size="0.05" type="capsule"/>
    <body name="thigh" pos="0 0 1.05">
      <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="thigh_joint" pos="0 0 1.05" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
      <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 1.05 0 0 0.6" name="thigh_geom" size="0.05" type="capsule"/>
      <body name="leg" pos="0 0 0.35">
        <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="leg_joint" pos="0 0 0.6" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
        <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 0.6 0 0 0.1" name="leg_geom" size="0.04" type="capsule"/>
        <body name="foot" pos="0.13/2 0 0.1">
          <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="foot_joint" pos="0 0 0.1" range="-45 45" type="hinge"/>
          <geom friction="2.0" fromto="-0.13 0 0.1 0.26 0 0.1" name="foot_geom" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>

gym file

class HopperEnv(mujoco_env.MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
    def __init__(self,
                 healthy_state_range=(-100.0, 100.0),
                 healthy_z_range=(0.7, float('inf')),
                 healthy_angle_range=(-0.2, 0.2),

        self._forward_reward_weight = forward_reward_weight

        self._ctrl_cost_weight = ctrl_cost_weight

        self._healthy_reward = healthy_reward
        self._terminate_when_unhealthy = terminate_when_unhealthy

        self._healthy_state_range = healthy_state_range
        self._healthy_z_range = healthy_z_range
        self._healthy_angle_range = healthy_angle_range

        self._reset_noise_scale = reset_noise_scale

        self._exclude_current_positions_from_observation = (

        mujoco_env.MujocoEnv.__init__(self, xml_file, 4)

    def healthy_reward(self):
        return float(
            or self._terminate_when_unhealthy
        ) * self._healthy_reward

    def control_cost(self, action):
        control_cost = self._ctrl_cost_weight * np.sum(np.square(action))
        return control_cost

    def is_healthy(self):
        z, angle =[1:3]
        state = self.state_vector()[2:]

        min_state, max_state = self._healthy_state_range
        min_z, max_z = self._healthy_z_range
        min_angle, max_angle = self._healthy_angle_range

        healthy_state = np.all(
            np.logical_and(min_state < state, state < max_state))
        healthy_z = min_z < z < max_z
        healthy_angle = min_angle < angle < max_angle

        is_healthy = all((healthy_state, healthy_z, healthy_angle))

        return is_healthy

    def done(self):
        done = (not self.is_healthy
                if self._terminate_when_unhealthy
                else False)
        return done

    def _get_obs(self):
        position =
        velocity = np.clip(
  , -10, 10)

        if self._exclude_current_positions_from_observation:
            position = position[1:]

        observation = np.concatenate((position, velocity)).ravel()
        return observation

    def step(self, action):
        x_position_before =[0]
        self.do_simulation(action, self.frame_skip)
        x_position_after =[0]
        x_velocity = ((x_position_after - x_position_before)
                      / self.dt)

        ctrl_cost = self.control_cost(action)

        forward_reward = self._forward_reward_weight * x_velocity
        healthy_reward = self.healthy_reward

        rewards = forward_reward + healthy_reward
        costs = ctrl_cost

        observation = self._get_obs()
        reward = rewards - costs
        done = self.done
        info = {
            'x_position': x_position_after,
            'x_velocity': x_velocity,

        return observation, reward, done, info

    def reset_model(self):
        noise_low = -self._reset_noise_scale
        noise_high = self._reset_noise_scale

        qpos = self.init_qpos + self.np_random.uniform(
            low=noise_low, high=noise_high, size=self.model.nq)
        qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(
            low=noise_low, high=noise_high, size=self.model.nv)

        self.set_state(qpos, qvel)

        observation = self._get_obs()
        return observation

    def viewer_setup(self):
        for key, value in DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG.items():
            if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                getattr(, key)[:] = value
                setattr(, key, value)

How to Query into observation and action space

env.action_space.sample() #print the position of all joints #print the velocity of all joints

env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('joint name specified in xml file')
env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('joint name specified in xml file')'joint name')'joint_name')

specifically, if you query into Hopper environment:

array([ 2.47727731e-04, 1.24890847e+00,  2.80610397e-03,  2.78544215e-04,-4.40898036e-03, -4.39037374e-03])
array([-0.00033653, -0.00471339,  0.00331068,  0.004636  , -0.00074496,-0.00011751])
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('rootx')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('rootz')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('rooty')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('thigh_joint')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('leg_joint')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr('foot_joint')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('rootx')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('rootz')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('rooty')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('thigh_joint')3
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('leg_joint')
>>> env.unwrapped.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr('foot_joint')

Together with the gym hopper file, we know that the x position is not available for observation. Therefore, there are total of 11 data point in the observation state_vector


    Num    Observation                                 Min            Max
           x_position(exclude shown up in info instead) Not Limited
    0      rootz                                        Not Limited
    1      rooty                                        Not Limited
    2      thigh joint                                  -150           0
    3      leg joint                                    -150           0
    4      foot joint                                   -45           45    
    5      velocity of rootx                           -10            10
    6      velocity of rootz                           -10            10
    7      velocity of rooty                           -10            10
    8      angular velocity of thigh joint             -10            10
    9      angular velocity of leg joint               -10            10
    10     angular velocity of foot joint              -10            10

    0     Thigh Joint Motor                             -1             1
    1     Leg Joint Motor                               -1             1
    2     Foot Joint Motor                              -1             1

    >>> env=gym.make('Hopper-v3')
    >>> env.reset()
    array([ 1.24885056e+00, -3.67318929e-03, -3.10737816e-03,  2.74530568e-04,
           -3.72422016e-03,  3.96886960e-03, -3.75303191e-03, -2.53948964e-03,
           -8.94237721e-04,  1.59178106e-03,  1.33892738e-03])
    >>> env.step([0,0,-1])
    (array([ 1.24862799e+00, -3.79981943e-03, -3.03018520e-03,  2.86991224e-04,
           -9.51065486e-03, -2.37253238e-02, -5.19349612e-02, -2.92790524e-02,
            2.01785114e-02,  1.48786922e-03, -1.44621836e+00]), 0.9891249579219452, False, {'x_position': -0.0010432361970847508, 'x_velocity': -0.009875042078054808})

xml file for Walker2d:

'rootx', 'rootz', 'rooty', 'thigh_joint', 'leg_joint', 'foot_joint', 'thigh_left_joint', 'leg_left_joint', 'foot_left_joint'

<mujoco model="walker2d">
  <compiler angle="degree" coordinate="global" inertiafromgeom="true"/>
    <joint armature="0.01" damping=".1" limited="true"/>
    <geom conaffinity="0" condim="3" contype="1" density="1000" friction=".7 .1 .1" rgba="0.8 0.6 .4 1"/>
  <option integrator="RK4" timestep="0.002"/>
    <light cutoff="100" diffuse="1 1 1" dir="-0 0 -1.3" directional="true" exponent="1" pos="0 0 1.3" specular=".1 .1 .1"/>
    <geom conaffinity="1" condim="3" name="floor" pos="0 0 0" rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1" size="40 40 40" type="plane" material="MatPlane"/>
    <body name="torso" pos="0 0 1.25">
      <camera name="track" mode="trackcom" pos="0 -3 1" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
      <joint armature="0" axis="1 0 0" damping="0" limited="false" name="rootx" pos="0 0 0" stiffness="0" type="slide"/>
      <joint armature="0" axis="0 0 1" damping="0" limited="false" name="rootz" pos="0 0 0" ref="1.25" stiffness="0" type="slide"/>
      <joint armature="0" axis="0 1 0" damping="0" limited="false" name="rooty" pos="0 0 1.25" stiffness="0" type="hinge"/>
      <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 1.45 0 0 1.05" name="torso_geom" size="0.05" type="capsule"/>
      <body name="thigh" pos="0 0 1.05">
        <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="thigh_joint" pos="0 0 1.05" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
        <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 1.05 0 0 0.6" name="thigh_geom" size="0.05" type="capsule"/>
        <body name="leg" pos="0 0 0.35">
          <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="leg_joint" pos="0 0 0.6" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
          <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 0.6 0 0 0.1" name="leg_geom" size="0.04" type="capsule"/>
          <body name="foot" pos="0.2/2 0 0.1">
            <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="foot_joint" pos="0 0 0.1" range="-45 45" type="hinge"/>
            <geom friction="0.9" fromto="-0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.1" name="foot_geom" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
      <!-- copied and then replace thigh->thigh_left, leg->leg_left, foot->foot_right -->
      <body name="thigh_left" pos="0 0 1.05">
        <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="thigh_left_joint" pos="0 0 1.05" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
        <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 1.05 0 0 0.6" name="thigh_left_geom" rgba=".7 .3 .6 1" size="0.05" type="capsule"/>
        <body name="leg_left" pos="0 0 0.35">
          <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="leg_left_joint" pos="0 0 0.6" range="-150 0" type="hinge"/>
          <geom friction="0.9" fromto="0 0 0.6 0 0 0.1" name="leg_left_geom" rgba=".7 .3 .6 1" size="0.04" type="capsule"/>
          <body name="foot_left" pos="0.2/2 0 0.1">
            <joint axis="0 -1 0" name="foot_left_joint" pos="0 0 0.1" range="-45 45" type="hinge"/>
            <geom friction="1.9" fromto="-0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.1" name="foot_left_geom" rgba=".7 .3 .6 1" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
    <!-- <motor joint="torso_joint" ctrlrange="-100.0 100.0" isctrllimited="true"/>-->
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="thigh_joint"/>
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="leg_joint"/>
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="foot_joint"/>
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="thigh_left_joint"/>
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="leg_left_joint"/>
    <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0" gear="100" joint="foot_left_joint"/>
    <!-- <motor joint="finger2_rot" ctrlrange="-20.0 20.0" isctrllimited="true"/>-->
        <texture type="skybox" builtin="gradient" rgb1=".4 .5 .6" rgb2="0 0 0"
            width="100" height="100"/>
        <texture builtin="flat" height="1278" mark="cross" markrgb="1 1 1" name="texgeom" random="0.01" rgb1="0.8 0.6 0.4" rgb2="0.8 0.6 0.4" type="cube" width="127"/>
        <texture builtin="checker" height="100" name="texplane" rgb1="0 0 0" rgb2="0.8 0.8 0.8" type="2d" width="100"/>
        <material name="MatPlane" reflectance="0.5" shininess="1" specular="1" texrepeat="60 60" texture="texplane"/>
        <material name="geom" texture="texgeom" texuniform="true"/>

the gym file

class Walker2dEnv(mujoco_env.MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):

    def __init__(self):
        mujoco_env.MujocoEnv.__init__(self, "walker2d.xml", 4)

    def step(self, a):
        posbefore =[0]
        self.do_simulation(a, self.frame_skip)
        posafter, height, ang =[0:3]
        alive_bonus = 1.0
        reward = ((posafter - posbefore) / self.dt)
        reward += alive_bonus
        reward -= 1e-3 * np.square(a).sum()
        done = not (height > 0.8 and height < 2.0 and
                    ang > -1.0 and ang < 1.0)
        ob = self._get_obs()
        return ob, reward, done, {}

    def _get_obs(self):
        qpos =
        qvel =
        return np.concatenate([qpos[1:], np.clip(qvel, -10, 10)]).ravel()

    def reset_model(self):
            self.init_qpos + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.005, high=.005, size=self.model.nq),
            self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.005, high=.005, size=self.model.nv)
        return self._get_obs()

    def viewer_setup(self): = 2 = self.model.stat.extent * 0.5[2] = 1.15 = -20

The observation and action space for Walker2d


    Num    Observation                                 Min            Max
           rootx(_get_obs states from  root z)          Not Limited
    0      rootz                                        Not Limited
    1      rooty                                        Not Limited
    2      thigh joint                                 -150           0
    3      leg joint                                   -150           0
    4      foot joint                                  -45            45      
    5      thigh left joint                            -150           0
    6      leg left joint                              -150           0
    7      foot left joint                             -45            45
    8      velocity of rootx                           -10            10
    9      velocity of rootz                           -10            10
    10     velocity of rooty                           -10            10
    11     angular velocity of thigh joint             -10            10
    12     angular velocity of leg joint               -10            10
    13     angular velocity of foot joint              -10            10
    14     angular velocity of thigh left joint        -10            10   
    15     angular velocity of leg left joint          -10            10
    16     angular velocity of foot left joint         -10            10

    0     Thigh Joint Motor                             -1             1
    1     Leg Joint Motor                               -1             1
    2     Foot Joint Motor                              -1             1
    3     Thigh Left Joint Motor                        -1             1
    4     Leg Left Joint Motor                          -1             1
    5     Foot Left Joint Motor                         -1             1

the observation and action space for half-cheeta

    The state space is populated with joints in the order that they are
    defined in this file. The actuators also operate on joints.
    State-Space (name/joint/parameter):
        - rootx     slider      position (m)
        - rootz     slider      position (m)
        - rooty     hinge       angle (rad)
        - bthigh    hinge       angle (rad)
        - bshin     hinge       angle (rad)
        - bfoot     hinge       angle (rad)
        - fthigh    hinge       angle (rad)
        - fshin     hinge       angle (rad)
        - ffoot     hinge       angle (rad)
        - rootx     slider      velocity (m/s)
        - rootz     slider      velocity (m/s)
        - rooty     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - bthigh    hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - bshin     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - bfoot     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - fthigh    hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - fshin     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
        - ffoot     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
    Actuators (name/actuator/parameter):
        - bthigh    hinge       torque (N m)
        - bshin     hinge       torque (N m)
        - bfoot     hinge       torque (N m)
        - fthigh    hinge       torque (N m)
        - fshin     hinge       torque (N m)
        - ffoot     hinge       torque (N m)

class HalfCheetahEnv(mujoco_env.MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
    def __init__(self,

        self._forward_reward_weight = forward_reward_weight

        self._ctrl_cost_weight = ctrl_cost_weight

        self._reset_noise_scale = reset_noise_scale

        self._exclude_current_positions_from_observation = (

        mujoco_env.MujocoEnv.__init__(self, xml_file, 5)

    def control_cost(self, action):
        control_cost = self._ctrl_cost_weight * np.sum(np.square(action))
        return control_cost

    def step(self, action):
        x_position_before =[0]
        self.do_simulation(action, self.frame_skip)
        x_position_after =[0]
        x_velocity = ((x_position_after - x_position_before)
                      / self.dt)

        ctrl_cost = self.control_cost(action)

        forward_reward = self._forward_reward_weight * x_velocity

        observation = self._get_obs()
        reward = forward_reward - ctrl_cost
        done = False
        info = {
            'x_position': x_position_after,
            'x_velocity': x_velocity,

            'reward_run': forward_reward,
            'reward_ctrl': -ctrl_cost

        return observation, reward, done, info

    def _get_obs(self):
        position =
        velocity =

        if self._exclude_current_positions_from_observation:
            position = position[1:]

        observation = np.concatenate((position, velocity)).ravel()
        return observation

    def reset_model(self):
        noise_low = -self._reset_noise_scale
        noise_high = self._reset_noise_scale

        qpos = self.init_qpos + self.np_random.uniform(
            low=noise_low, high=noise_high, size=self.model.nq)
        qvel = self.init_qvel + self._reset_noise_scale * self.np_random.randn(

        self.set_state(qpos, qvel)

        observation = self._get_obs()
        return observation

    def viewer_setup(self):
        for key, value in DEFAULT_CAMERA_CONFIG.items():
            if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                getattr(, key)[:] = value
                setattr(, key, value)

the xml file for humanoidstandup

<mujoco model="humanoidstandup">
    <compiler angle="degree" inertiafromgeom="true"/>
        <joint armature="1" damping="1" limited="true"/>
        <geom conaffinity="1" condim="1" contype="1" margin="0.001" material="geom" rgba="0.8 0.6 .4 1"/>
        <motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-.4 .4"/>
    <option integrator="RK4" iterations="50" solver="PGS" timestep="0.003">
        <!-- <flags solverstat="enable" energy="enable"/>-->
    <size nkey="5" nuser_geom="1"/>
        <map fogend="5" fogstart="3"/>
        <texture builtin="gradient" height="100" rgb1=".4 .5 .6" rgb2="0 0 0" type="skybox" width="100"/>
        <!-- <texture builtin="gradient" height="100" rgb1="1 1 1" rgb2="0 0 0" type="skybox" width="100"/>-->
        <texture builtin="flat" height="1278" mark="cross" markrgb="1 1 1" name="texgeom" random="0.01" rgb1="0.8 0.6 0.4" rgb2="0.8 0.6 0.4" type="cube" width="127"/>
        <texture builtin="checker" height="100" name="texplane" rgb1="0 0 0" rgb2="0.8 0.8 0.8" type="2d" width="100"/>
        <material name="MatPlane" reflectance="0.5" shininess="1" specular="1" texrepeat="60 60" texture="texplane"/>
        <material name="geom" texture="texgeom" texuniform="true"/>
        <light cutoff="100" diffuse="1 1 1" dir="-0 0 -1.3" directional="true" exponent="1" pos="0 0 1.3" specular=".1 .1 .1"/>
        <geom condim="3" friction="1 .1 .1" material="MatPlane" name="floor" pos="0 0 0" rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1" size="20 20 0.125" type="plane"/>
        <!-- <geom condim="3" material="MatPlane" name="floor" pos="0 0 0" size="10 10 0.125" type="plane"/>-->
        <body name="torso" pos="0 0 .105">
            <camera name="track" mode="trackcom" pos="0 -3 .5" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
            <joint armature="0" damping="0" limited="false" name="root" pos="0 0 0" stiffness="0" type="free"/>
            <geom fromto="0 -.07 0 0 .07 0" name="torso1" size="0.07" type="capsule"/>
            <geom name="head" pos="-.15 0 0" size=".09" type="sphere" user="258"/>
            <geom fromto=".11 -.06 0 .11 .06 0" name="uwaist" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
            <body name="lwaist" pos=".21 0 0" quat="1.000 0 -0.002 0">
                <geom fromto="0 -.06 0 0 .06 0" name="lwaist" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
                <joint armature="0.02" axis="0 0 1" damping="5" name="abdomen_z" pos="0 0 0.065" range="-45 45" stiffness="20" type="hinge"/>
                <joint armature="0.02" axis="0 1 0" damping="5" name="abdomen_y" pos="0 0 0.065" range="-75 30" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                <body name="pelvis" pos="0.165 0 0" quat="1.000 0 -0.002 0">
                    <joint armature="0.02" axis="1 0 0" damping="5" name="abdomen_x" pos="0 0 0.1" range="-35 35" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                    <geom fromto="-.02 -.07 0 -.02 .07 0" name="butt" size="0.09" type="capsule"/>
                    <body name="right_thigh" pos="0 -0.1 0">
                        <joint armature="0.01" axis="1 0 0" damping="5" name="right_hip_x" pos="0 0 0" range="-25 5" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                        <joint armature="0.01" axis="0 0 1" damping="5" name="right_hip_z" pos="0 0 0" range="-60 35" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                        <joint armature="0.0080" axis="0 1 0" damping="5" name="right_hip_y" pos="0 0 0" range="-110 20" stiffness="20" type="hinge"/>
                        <geom fromto="0 0 0 0.34 0.01 0" name="right_thigh1" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
                        <body name="right_shin" pos="0.403 0.01 0">
                            <joint armature="0.0060" axis="0 -1 0" name="right_knee" pos="0 0 .02" range="-160 -2" type="hinge"/>
                            <geom fromto="0 0 0 0.3 0 0" name="right_shin1" size="0.049" type="capsule"/>
                            <body name="right_foot" pos="0.35 0 -.10">
                                <geom name="right_foot" pos="0 0 0.1" size="0.075" type="sphere" user="0"/>
                    <body name="left_thigh" pos="0 0.1 0">
                        <joint armature="0.01" axis="-1 0 0" damping="5" name="left_hip_x" pos="0 0 0" range="-25 5" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                        <joint armature="0.01" axis="0 0 -1" damping="5" name="left_hip_z" pos="0 0 0" range="-60 35" stiffness="10" type="hinge"/>
                        <joint armature="0.01" axis="0 1 0" damping="5" name="left_hip_y" pos="0 0 0" range="-120 20" stiffness="20" type="hinge"/>
                        <geom fromto="0 0 0 0.34 -0.01 0" name="left_thigh1" size="0.06" type="capsule"/>
                        <body name="left_shin" pos="0.403 -0.01 0">
                            <joint armature="0.0060" axis="0 -1 0" name="left_knee" pos="0 0 .02" range="-160 -2" stiffness="1" type="hinge"/>
                            <geom fromto="0 0 0 0.3 0 0" name="left_shin1" size="0.049" type="capsule"/>
                            <body name="left_foot" pos="0.35 0 -.1">
                                <geom name="left_foot" type="sphere" size="0.075" pos="0 0 0.1" user="0" />
            <body name="right_upper_arm" pos="0 -0.17 0.06">
                <joint armature="0.0068" axis="2 1 1" name="right_shoulder1" pos="0 0 0" range="-85 60" stiffness="1" type="hinge"/>
                <joint armature="0.0051" axis="0 -1 1" name="right_shoulder2" pos="0 0 0" range="-85 60" stiffness="1" type="hinge"/>
                <geom fromto="0 0 0 .16 -.16 -.16" name="right_uarm1" size="0.04 0.16" type="capsule"/>
                <body name="right_lower_arm" pos=".18 -.18 -.18">
                    <joint armature="0.0028" axis="0 -1 1" name="right_elbow" pos="0 0 0" range="-90 50" stiffness="0" type="hinge"/>
                    <geom fromto="0.01 0.01 0.01 .17 .17 .17" name="right_larm" size="0.031" type="capsule"/>
                    <geom name="right_hand" pos=".18 .18 .18" size="0.04" type="sphere"/>
                    <camera pos="0 0 0"/>
            <body name="left_upper_arm" pos="0 0.17 0.06">
                <joint armature="0.0068" axis="2 -1 1" name="left_shoulder1" pos="0 0 0" range="-60 85" stiffness="1" type="hinge"/>
                <joint armature="0.0051" axis="0 1 1" name="left_shoulder2" pos="0 0 0" range="-60 85" stiffness="1" type="hinge"/>
                <geom fromto="0 0 0 .16 .16 -.16" name="left_uarm1" size="0.04 0.16" type="capsule"/>
                <body name="left_lower_arm" pos=".18 .18 -.18">
                    <joint armature="0.0028" axis="0 -1 -1" name="left_elbow" pos="0 0 0" range="-90 50" stiffness="0" type="hinge"/>
                    <geom fromto="0.01 -0.01 0.01 .17 -.17 .17" name="left_larm" size="0.031" type="capsule"/>
                    <geom name="left_hand" pos=".18 -.18 .18" size="0.04" type="sphere"/>
        <fixed name="left_hipknee">
            <joint coef="-1" joint="left_hip_y"/>
            <joint coef="1" joint="left_knee"/>
        <fixed name="right_hipknee">
            <joint coef="-1" joint="right_hip_y"/>
            <joint coef="1" joint="right_knee"/>

        <motor gear="100" joint="abdomen_y" name="abdomen_y"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="abdomen_z" name="abdomen_z"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="abdomen_x" name="abdomen_x"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="right_hip_x" name="right_hip_x"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="right_hip_z" name="right_hip_z"/>
        <motor gear="300" joint="right_hip_y" name="right_hip_y"/>
        <motor gear="200" joint="right_knee" name="right_knee"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="left_hip_x" name="left_hip_x"/>
        <motor gear="100" joint="left_hip_z" name="left_hip_z"/>
        <motor gear="300" joint="left_hip_y" name="left_hip_y"/>
        <motor gear="200" joint="left_knee" name="left_knee"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="right_shoulder1" name="right_shoulder1"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="right_shoulder2" name="right_shoulder2"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="right_elbow" name="right_elbow"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="left_shoulder1" name="left_shoulder1"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="left_shoulder2" name="left_shoulder2"/>
        <motor gear="25" joint="left_elbow" name="left_elbow"/>

class HumanoidStandupEnv(mujoco_env.MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
    def __init__(self):
        mujoco_env.MujocoEnv.__init__(self, 'humanoidstandup.xml', 5)

    def _get_obs(self):
        data =
        return np.concatenate([data.qpos.flat[2:],

    def step(self, a):
        self.do_simulation(a, self.frame_skip)
        pos_after =[2]
        data =
        uph_cost = (pos_after - 0) / self.model.opt.timestep

        quad_ctrl_cost = 0.1 * np.square(data.ctrl).sum()
        quad_impact_cost = .5e-6 * np.square(data.cfrc_ext).sum()
        quad_impact_cost = min(quad_impact_cost, 10)
        reward = uph_cost - quad_ctrl_cost - quad_impact_cost + 1

        done = bool(False)
        return self._get_obs(), reward, done, dict(reward_linup=uph_cost, reward_quadctrl=-quad_ctrl_cost, reward_impact=-quad_impact_cost)

    def reset_model(self):
        c = 0.01
            self.init_qpos + self.np_random.uniform(low=-c, high=c, size=self.model.nq),
            self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-c, high=c, size=self.model.nv,)
        return self._get_obs()

    def viewer_setup(self): = 1 = self.model.stat.extent * 1.0[2] = 0.8925 = -20