Selected work published on CN-healthcare. Unfortunately some of my best works are missing after a server migration. Nonetheless, I’d like to list the remaining ones here in case it is required in the future. Hospital investment is such a small circle of people, after a while everyone know each other. Industry reporting provide excellent vintage points, since it is not too nebulous yet it allows you distance to see things in its entirety. Around 2014 there has been a change of environment as the higher ups debating wheather or not privatization or partial privatization of healthcare is against communist tenats. In 2015 or 2016, the dude who single handedly make China West Hospital the Cliveland of China killed himself.I've also seen the death of all foreign invested hospitals, including the ones invested by the largest US hospital group. I am most proud of a research I've done on a survey of hospital investment, it is something circulated widely amongst key decision makers. It is very interesting to see how when the technology sector lives in the 3000s, the healthcare sector still lives in 1900s, in terms of mentality.
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